The galley for City Limit is done! I emailed electronic galleys out today. We’ll be mailing paper galleys out to another ten or so people shortly. We’re running the press on a shoe string, so we’re going to head Back to the Future and do a ’90s Negations Journal flashback. To whit: hand-band some copies of City Limit (and Trace of God!). Since handbinding is time intensive, this is going to be a very very limited run.
We’re currently only committed to distribute our next two books as Print on Demand and Kindle.
But, going forward, we’ll be adding additional formats. Scribblr, the writing/publishing tool that GrandViaduct is the test site for, already supports some additional formats for testing. There’s very little work to be done to support other eBook formats. If time allows and there arn’t weird costs (e.g. Apple asking x thousand dollars to get our book in their system) we should be making Nook (Barnes & Noble eBook reader) and Apple iBook versions of City Limit, etc., available, too.
This Scribblr thing is saving serious time
By the way, when a batch of changes are made to City Limit (for instance), I login to the Scribblr website, pick the book and click a button. About 30 seconds later, a zipped folder downloads with an updated copy for every format. Giving my propensity to make typos & strange mistakes (the last I caught was starting the page numbers for the body of the book a page too early), it’s saved me an immense amount of time. I’m actually looking forward to this part of the process on future books (instead of dreading it).